Tashkent, April 6 -- The Institute of Macroeconomic and Territorial Studies conducted a study on school attendance rates in Uzbekistan and found that:

In 2022, school attendance averaged 83.6 percent, dropping slightly to 82.5 percent in 2023. The lowest attendance rates were recorded in Tashkent city (57.8 percent), Jizzakh (76.9 percent), Tashkent (75.8 percent), and Fergana (79.8 percent) regions. The highest rates were in Bukhara (89.1%), Surkhandarya (88.3%), and Kashkadarya (88.2%) regions.

Primary school students had the lowest attendance rates in Uzbek language and mathematics. Middle school students struggled with attendance in Uzbek language, informatics, literature, and English language. High school students faced challenges ...