India, March 12 -- Would "Eat, Pray, Love" author Elizabeth Gilbert have fallen so deeply in love with Neapolitan pizza if she'd been taking photos of her pie to post on Instagram? What if Steinbeck had travelled with Charley and Waze? These days, iPhones, laptops, and tablets - not to mention fitness trackers and smartwatches - are ubiquitous, making it feel all but impossible to truly disconnect.

Digital detox trips are on the rise and how

Each Unplugged cabin is stocked with an analogue camera, plus a lockbox for phones | Image credit: Adam Firman/Unplugged

"There used to be a distinction between home and away," says Trine Syvertsen, whose 2020 book "Digital Detox: The Politics of Disconnecting," examines the dissolution of that bou...