Tanzania, May 10 -- Dar es Salaam. The seventh edition of the Betika Mbeya Tulia Marathon starts today for track and field events at the Sokoine Stadium in Mbeya Region.

Speaking to The Citizen yesterday, Tulia Trust Foundation Information officer Joshua Edward said all preparations are complete and athletes will compete in 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1,500 metres races.

Five, 10 and 21 kilometres races will be held tomorrow in the climax of the event at which Prime Minister Kassaim Majaliwa will be the guest of honour.

Prime Minister Majaliwa will feature in the five kilometres race along with Parliament Speaker Tulia Ackson, Arts, Culture, Sports minister Damas Ndumbaro, the latter's Deputy, Hamis Mwinjuma (Mwana FA) and some Members of ...