Poland, Feb. 26 -- Contract Id: 3130199

Description: Poland based Firma Uslug Lesnych Wielobranzowych JACK-TRANS Jacek Kwasniewski has secured contract from Skarb Panstwa - Panstwowe Gospodarstwo Lesne Lasy Panstwowe Nadlesnictwo Bydgoszcz for Forestry services, Timber harvesting services, 77211200 Transport of logs within the forest, 77211000 Services incidental to logging, 77211400 Tree-cutting services, 77210000 Logging services. The value of the contract is worth 11497150 PLN.

Country: Poland

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to Firma Uslug Lesnych Wielobranzowych JACK-TRANS Jacek Kwasniewski, Postal address: ul. Postepu 17a, Town: Warszawa, Postcode: 02-676, Country subdivision (NUTS): Miasto Warszawa(PL911), Country: Poland, Email:...