Guwahati, May 2 -- At least four suspect gamblers werearrestedby the police in Jorhat, AssamonThursday for allegedly betting on IPL cricket matches.

A police source saidthe accused were arrested based on specific inputs.

Theywere all arrested from the Deberapar area of Mariani in Jorhat, Assam.

The accusedwere identifiedas Rajani Baruah, Raju Mirdha, Arjun Karmakar and Guneswar Gowala, allresidents of different partsofMariani.

The police source informed that the accused hadbeen involvedin setting up gambling dens in the locality and dealing in several lakhs during IPL cricket match days.

The source further added that Rajani Baruahwasthe alleged mastermind of the gambling denandhe has a previous record of being involved in such activi...