GOA, India, April 19 -- The High Court of Bombay at Goa issued the following order on March 22:

Heard Ms K. Gracias for the appellant and Mr J.J. Mulgaonkar (through V.C.) with Ms A. Tirodkar for respondent nos.1(a), 1(b) and 2.

2. Learned Counsel hand in Consent Terms which are taken on record and marked as 'X' for purpose of identification.

3. The Consent Terms are signed by the appellant and respondent nos.1(a), 1(b) and 2. All these parties are present in the Court today.

4. Ms Gracias requests that respondent nos.3 and 4 be deleted from the array of respondents. She states that respondent nos.3 and 4 are not necessary parties. Accordingly, the deletion is allowed subject to the risk and consequences of the parties, who have now ...