Portugal, Feb. 19 -- Project Id: 68614

Description: Grant agreement ID: 823185


Ongoing project

Start date

1 October 2018

End date

30 September 2020

Funded under:

H2020-EU.3. , H2020-EU.2.3. , H2020-EU.2.1.

Overall budget:

€ 1 999 681,25

EU contribution

€ 1 399 776,88


Last time you paid your insurance bill, did you realize that about 25% was to pay for legacy processes that are frozen due to inflexible IT systems setup in the 80s and 90s? You'd be right to expect that a worldwide industry with 32,000 insurers generating over 3% of world's GDP with a highly immaterial business model would be the first to make effective use of IT. It isn't.

The knowledge needed to run the business has been buried un...