Mumbai, April 20 -- In an attempt to reduce the incidence of caesarean section, civic-run LTMG Sion Hospital, a tertiary referral center for complex obstetric cases, devised a 'Sion Model' that has reduced C-sections by 5% in the last six months. A study of 131 pregnant women showed counseling and patient education are key to promoting vaginal birth. 'Reducing C-section rates is crucial in improving maternal and neonatal health,' said Dr Niranjan Chavan, the professor who led the study. In the 'Sion Model,' a '24 Foley catheter' is used to induce labour. 'It helps facilitate natural delivery, whether it's the woman's first or second pregnancy,' he said. Hospital's gynaecology department comprises 6 units. Each unit manages approximately 1,500 to 1,700 deliveries annually. In Dr Chavan's study, 45 patients (34%) were 'primigravida' (women expecting for the first time) and 86 patients (66%) were 'multigravida' (who had previous childbirths)....