India, April 25 -- Asia earned the title of the second warmest region in 2023, with its mean temperature 0.91degC above the 1991-2020 reference period, according to the State of the Climate in Asia report released by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). While the report did not rank countries within the region, India was singled out for extreme weather events it faced last year, including heatwaves, floods, and a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF). The world is at a critical juncture, WMO secretary general Celeste Saulo said, "where the impact of climate change intersects with societal inequalities". Her statement is significant as nearly a billion people set out to vote in the general elections over the next few weeks, during which, incidentally, the India Meteorological Department has also predicted heatwaves. The climate, unfortunately, has yet to become a conversation in Indian elections....