U.S., Feb. 14 -- ClinicalTrials.gov registry received information related to the study (NCT06259396) titled 'The 8x5 Diet for Bile Acid Diarrhoea: A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial' on Feb. 6.

Brief Summary: Bile acid diarrhoea is a common cause of chronic watery diarrhoea. Treatment is life-long medication. However, about 50% of people have ongoing, bothersome diarrhoea. Findings from recent research on diet therapies and food intolerances have been used to develop a healthy dietary pattern called The 8x5 Diet. We will test the practicalities of conducting a randomised controlled trial of this dietary intervention.

Study Type: Interventional

Condition: Bile Acid Diarrhea

Intervention: Behavioral: The 8x5 Diet

A virtual, dietit...