U.S., April 19 -- ClinicalTrials.gov registry received information related to the study (NCT06374784) titled 'Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Graft Combined With Injectable PRF + Metronidazole Versus Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Graft Combined With Injectable PRF Versus Autogenous Demineralized Dentin Graft Alone for Alveolar Ridge Preservation' on April 16.

Brief Summary: The aim of this trial is to compare the effect of autogenous demineralized dentin graft combined with injectable PRF loaded with metronidazole (sticky demineralized tooth releasing metronidazole) versus autogenous demineralized dentin graft combined with injectable PRF (sticky demineralized tooth) versus autogenous demineralized dentin graft (ADDG) alone on alveolar r...