U.S., April 19 -- ClinicalTrials.gov registry received information related to the study (NCT06374771) titled 'Analgesic Effect of Melatonin and Vitamin C Administration, Alone or In Combination in Major Abdominal Surgery' on April 14.

Brief Summary: The goal of this clinical trial is to compare the analgesic effect of melatonin, and vitamin C and their combination in patients aged 18-60 years old who will undergo major abdominal surgery with mid-line incision within an expected time of surgery from 3 to 5 hours e.g. radical cystectomy, radical prostatectomy, colectomy, sigmoidectomy, splenectomy, and CBD exploration through mid-line incision.

This study hypothesizes that using both vitamin C and melatonin together as adjuvants will cause:...