Liberia, March 21 -- SANNIQUELLIE, Nimba County - The Specialized Sexual Offenses Division Court of the Eighth Judiciary Circuit Court in Sanniquellie, Nimba County, has sentenced 53-year-old Magistrate Chester S. Paye to a 25-year jail sentence.

By Franklin Doloquee/Nimba County

The Zuolay Magisterial Court Magistrate, Chester S. Paye, was accused of raping a 12-year-old girl who was a caregiver for him.

The incident occurred in August 2023 at his residence in Zuolay Town, District 9, on the Saclepea-Tappita Highway in Nimba County.

The Resident Judge of the Specialized Sexual Offenses Court at the Eighth Judiciary Circuit Court in Sanniquellie, Judge Musa S. Sidibey, on early Monday brought down a guilty verdict and sentenced Zuolay...