Sri Lanka, March 29 -- Three hours he knelt in agony

To drink the bitter cup to the

very dregs.

Atonement for sins of all mankind.

But vice and crime increase

Was then that agony in vain

Is he being crucified again?

Three falls he had

On that weary road to Calvary

Weighed with the cross

With the burden of the sins

of all mankind.

But man falls and falls

With no desire of rising again.

Were then Christ's falls in vain?

If man does not want to rise again.

Three hours he hung,

A shamed figure between two thieves

In untold anguish.

Side pierced , broken, bleeding!

Were then these pangs in vain?

If man goes on and makes no move

His life to change.

Three Marys stood at the foot of the cross

Women like in their sorrow
