Nairobi, March 25 -- A deputy Auditor-General on February 20, 2024, queried the Treasury on unsustainable debt and deficit strategy. Yet a Eurobond topping 10 percent (yield, in bond-speak) was issued, partly paying the $2 billion bond repayment due June 2024.

Compare this to single digits Benin and Cote d'Ivoire obtained recently. We focus on the faulty macro-experiment and knock-on effects on devolution.

Drafting the Central Region Economic Bloc (Cereb) Blueprint recently, funded by the Foreign Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO), supported by a wonderful team, I assessed Cereb in Kenya's fiscal quagmire as of 2024. In 10 counties, we interrogated over 800 experts, many more stakeholders, managing to attract Kiambu (the largest cou...